Hello Marcus,
Am 24.06.2013 10:30, schrieb Marcus Mundt:
I did this in production last september (170 users, 230 workstations,
and around 25 services getting information from LDAP or authenticating
against). After some weeks of building a testing environment with
everything, I did the final switch on a weekend (1.5 days for changing
and adapting everything). And it's running absolutely great.
How did you transfer the information from the (old) LDAP server to the
> Samba 4 ADS? Or did you separate things, like servers relying on the
> slapd and other systems communicating with the ADS?
I wrote a small dirty shell script, that reads all information from the
old openLDAP via ldapsearch and put them into in to AD via ldapmodify.
Was 30 mins work.
My quick guesses of possible solutions:
- Samba 4 + Slapd on the same machine. Slapd synced to LDAP-Master
- https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/beyond#openLDAP_proxy_to_AD
- I don't know if I get this one...
The "beyond samba" page is from me. Just let me know, what's unclear.
Then I will extend the HowTo and improve the descriptions.
Ok, I thought so. I guess I wished for something like an AD to openLDAP proxy :)
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