On Tue, 2013-06-11 at 20:22 -0600, Tanveer Virani wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> Here is the information that you requested. When I say that "all
> permissions on a file are lost", this is at the windows level. In Windows
> Explorer, we go to open the file in the default program, we get an "Access
> denied. Contact your administrator." error. When I right click on the file
> and goto Properties -> Security, I get a "You do not have permission to
> view or edit this object's permission settings." This usually happens after
> someone has edited the file. It is not one individual or group that has
> this issue. It could be anyone within the organization. These files are
> mostly Microsoft Office files (xls, ppt, and doc).

Hum, seen this been there.

Basically Office goes through a complicated dance when you save a file.
First it saves the file with a random name. Then it attempts to
replicate the permissions from the old file onto the new file. Then it
renames the original file to something random, before renaming the new
file to have the original name. Finally it deletes the old file.

The step that is "going" wrong is the attempt to replicate the
permissions of the old file onto the new file. Roughly what is happening
is the person saving the file does not have permissions to do anything
with the file. The original owner of the file however does. For users
sharing documents on a group share it makes the whole thing pointless.

I came across this using Samba 3.5.x with a GPFS file system using NFSv4
ACL's to store permissions. Though I replicated it with Posix ACL's on
an ext3 file system for good measure. It only occurs with Office 2007
and later. It was not picked up in initial testing because at the time
we where still on Office 2003. Then an upgrade to Office 2010 was rolled
out and the problems started.

The solution required the correct storage of the DOS attributes, the
appropriate configuration lines are

# store DOS attributes in extended attributes
        ea support = yes
        store dos attributes = yes
        map readonly = no
        map archive = no
        map system = no
        map hidden = no

You need to make sure that your file system is mounted with extended
attributes as well. By default Samba attempts to map these attributes
onto the permissions and this confuses the hell out of Office's
permission replication stage. By storing this in the extended attributes
it all starts working (note with GPFS if you use the vfs_gpfs module
they actually get stored in the file system proper). It also has the
added bonus that things like Thumbs.db files get the hidden bit set and
don't show up in Windows Explorer.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Fife, United Kingdom.

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