Im not sure why this keeps getting scrubbed :(
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From: Nathan Frankish
Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 7:12 AM
Subject: winbind authentication returning "failed to call wbcGetpwnam: 

Hi Samba Team,

Im at a bit of a loss. Ive been setting up samba with winbind authentication in 
our domain under redhat 6 and ive run into quite a few issues.
My 3.3.8 boxes (redhat 5) works fine in the domain, but I cant get the 3.6.9 
boxes (redhat 6.4) to work.
I have an independent test active directory domain that is at the same 
functional level (2008R2 Native) as the production domain  which my 
configuration works fine (once I change it to use the other domain name of 
course) so I don't think it's a configuration issue, but im stumped as to why 
its not working.

I've checked that the domain controller policies are the same on both 
environments, which they are.
I can successfully join the domain with net ads join

I can kinit fine, and it gets a token, but "getent passwd nathan_adm" fails to 
return anything either. Ives straced getent and I can see it shooting of to 
winbind, but it doesn't seem to get anything back

Ive stripped the domain out of my configuration files, but its 
QLDMOTORWAYS.COM.AU. my uat domain is UAT.DOM.

Any thoughts or help or ideas would be great.

Nathan Frankish  |  Senior Systems Engineer

Queensland Motorways Pty Limited

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