Just a heads-up, because this bug took me absolutely ages to chase down,
and I want to save others the same pain.

Samba is perhaps the most prominent reason why you might find a user in
more than 16 groups on a Unix system, and so this bug may at first
appear to be a 'Samba issue' (that certainly is why it found it's way to
my attention :-)


In short, unless the group list we supply to setgroups() is sorted, if
there are more than 16 groups, the Illumos kernel fails to honour some
of the groups.  Presumably there is a bisection search being done. 

The symptom for Samba users is that as a user is added to more groups,
they loose access to folders they previously had access too. 

Attached is a total hack that appears to resolve the issue, but the real
fix needs to be in glibc or the kernel. 

Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org

diff --git a/source3/lib/system.c b/source3/lib/system.c
index 7c0bb3f..be7d94d 100644
--- a/source3/lib/system.c
+++ b/source3/lib/system.c
@@ -1174,14 +1174,14 @@ int groups_max(void)
  returning an array of gid_t, but actuall return an array of int.
 #define GID_T int
 #define GID_T gid_t
 static int sys_broken_getgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset)
 	GID_T gid;
@@ -1224,6 +1224,13 @@ static int sys_broken_getgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset)
 	return ngroups;
+static int gid_compare(void *gid_1, void *gid_2)
+	return (*(GID_T *)gid_1 - *(GID_T *)gid_2);
 static int sys_broken_setgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset)
 	GID_T *group_list;
@@ -1250,6 +1257,8 @@ static int sys_broken_setgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset)
 	for(i = 0; i < setlen; i++) 
 		group_list[i] = (GID_T) gidset[i]; 
+	TYPESAFE_QSORT(group_list, setlen, gid_compare);
 	if(setgroups(setlen, group_list) != 0) {
 		int saved_errno = errno;
@@ -1261,8 +1270,6 @@ static int sys_broken_setgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset)
 	return 0 ;
 /* This is a list of systems that require the first GID passed to setgroups(2)
  * to be the effective GID. If your system is one of these, add it here.
@@ -1353,11 +1360,8 @@ int sys_setgroups(gid_t UNUSED(primary_gid), int setlen, gid_t *gidset)
 #if defined(USE_BSD_SETGROUPS)
 	return sys_bsd_setgroups(primary_gid, setlen, gidset);
-	return sys_broken_setgroups(setlen, gidset);
-	return setgroups(setlen, gidset);
+	return sys_broken_setgroups(setlen, gidset);
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