On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 10:27 AM Xavier Wong <zywongxav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I utilise the BKZ algorithm on a basis as shown in the code below, I 
> will receive a runtime error "terminate called recursively". After running 
> the code again, I got another error that states "infinite loop in babai". 
> This made me confused as to what the issue is. I do not know if this is the 
> right place to ask, but does anyone have any advice on how to fix this issue?

It might be insufficient precision of floats used by default. Cf.

sage: BKZ.reduction(B, o=BKZ.Param(block_size=10),float_type="mpfr",
terminate called recursively

- which is the error you get, but

sage: BKZ.reduction(B, o=BKZ.Param(block_size=10),float_type="mpfr",

doesn't terminate quickly (I didn't wait for it to finish)

fpylll's GitHub might be a better place to report this, and it seems
you apparently did this already


> Platform: intel i7
> OS: windows 11
> Sage version: 10.4
> Code
> from fpylll import BKZ, IntegerMatrix
> import numpy as np
> def small_poly_vector(size, high=2, low=-1):
>     v = [R(list(np.random.randint(low, high, N)))
>     for _ in range(size)] if size==1:
>         return v[0]
>     return vector(v)
> Q = 3329
> N = 64
> k = 2
> eta1 = 2
> eta2 = 2
> HALF_Q = int((Q + 1) / 2)
> PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(Q))
> R.<z> = PR.quotient_ring(x^N + 1)
> A = random_matrix(R, k, k)
> s = small_poly_vector(k, eta1)
> e = small_poly_vector(k, eta2)
> t = A*s+e
> A_t = matrix(QQ, 2*N+1, 2*N)
> A_t[:N,:N] = A[0][0].matrix()
> A_t[N:2*N,:N] = A[0][1].matrix()
> A_t[:N,N:] = A[1][0].matrix()
> A_t[N:2*N,N:] = A[1][1].matrix()
> A_t[2*N] = [int(i) for i in t[0]]+[int(i) for i in t[1]]
> lattice_size = 4*N+1
> B = matrix(QQ, lattice_size, lattice_size)
> B[:2*N,:2*N] = Q * identity_matrix(QQ, 2*N, 2*N)
> B[2*N:,:2*N] = A_t
> B[2*N:,2*N:] = identity_matrix(QQ, 2*N+1, 2*N+1)
> B = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[int(entry) for entry in row] for row in B])
> BKZ.reduction(B, o=BKZ.Param(block_size=20))
> reduced_matrix = [[B[i, j] for j in range(B.ncols)] for i in range(B.nrows)]
> shortest_vector = reduced_matrix[0]
> --
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