*Steps To Reproduce*

   1. My machine is Mac M2 with the OS Ventura 13.4 
   2. I already have installed sage with version 10.3 [I believe the same 
   issue exists with 10.4 as well]
   The following program times-out: 






*qf = qepcad_formula*

*F0 = (0 > 0 + 1*x*x*a*a + 1*y*y*b*b + -1*a*a*b*b)*

*F1 = (0 > 0 + 1*x*x + 1*y*y + -20*x + -20*y + -1*r*r + 200)*

*F2 = qf.and_(F0,F1)*

*F3 = qf.and_(F2)*


*eliminate_trick = 
qepcad(qf.exists(tmp,qf.and_(tmp==0,F3)),memcells='1000000000 +L5000')*


Quantification out of the *tmp* variable should be pretty easy since this 
only appears in the constraint *tmp==0*.

*Expected Behavior*

A formula without the tmp variable.

*Actual Behavior*

Just keeps running for a long time.


   - *OS*: Mac M2 with the OS Ventura 13.4 
   - *Sage Version*: 10.3 

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