Thanks for replying, Eric

I did precisely what you suggested, tried make -j4, but no luck.

I even opened and read my paper book "GNU Make" by Stallman.

So, I tried "make" by itself, and it did slow it down a bit.

However scipy simply took over all 12 cpus, at lightning speed.

The advantage of the Tower was you don't even have to look at the
System Monitor, the fans make so much noise trying to cool down the

When I restarted the machine, and just typed in "make", they still used
all 12 cpus, but finished OK without over-heating, and the build
finished OK.

I am thinking about splitting the the makefile into 3 pieces, and see
what that achieves.



On Wednesday 11 September 2024 at 18:58:20 UTC+10 wrote:

> Hi,
> From the log file:
> [spkg-install] g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus
> This points towards a maximum memory reached. You may decrease the number 
> of threads in the parallel build, e.g. using make -j4 instead of make -j8.
> Best regards,
> Eric. 

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