testing Brew's gmp errors out with <iosfwd> not found.

Something is funny with the Xcode installation, I presume 

On 20 August 2024 20:38:39 BST, Ben Salisbury <bsalisbu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>This one?  I included the install.log, too, just for fun.
>On Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 3:08:47 PM UTC-4 Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> Why is gmp from Brew rejected?
>> Please post top-level config.log
>> On 20 August 2024 16:31:08 BST, Ben Salisbury <bsali...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi.  I'm trying to build Sage from source (the develop branch) on an M2 
>>> MBAir running Sonoma 14.5 and the build continues to fail at gmp.  I 
>>> downloaded a fresh copy of Command Line Tools and installed all the brew 
>>> packages.  Here is my brew list:
>>> salis1bt@MTH158053PE212 sage % brew list
>>> ==> Formulae
>>> aom eigen gsl libgcrypt libusb netpbm pinentry snappy
>>> arb ffmpeg gts libgpg-error libvidstab nettle pixman speex
>>> aribb24 flac guile libheif libvmaf ninja pkg-config sqlite
>>> arpack flint harfbuzz libiconv libvorbis npth pmix srt
>>> assimp fontconfig highway libidn libvpx nspr polymake suite-sparse
>>> autoconf fplll hugo libidn2 libx11 nss poppler svt-av1
>>> automake freetype hunspell libksba libxau ntl ppl symengine
>>> bdw-gc frei0r hwloc liblqr libxcb open-mpi primecount tbb
>>> berkeley-db fribidi icu4c libmicrohttpd libxdmcp openblas primesieve 
>>> tcl-tk
>>> berkeley-db@5 gcc igraph libmng libxext opencore-amr python-distlib 
>>> tesseract
>>> boost gd imagemagick libmpc libxml2 openexr python-filelock texinfo
>>> brotli gdbm imath libnghttp2 libxrender openjpeg python-packaging theora
>>> bzip2 gdk-pixbuf isl libogg little-cms2 openldap python-platformdirs tox
>>> ca-certificates gengetopt jasper libomp llvm openssl@1.1 
>>> python-setuptools unbound
>>> cairo gettext jbig2dec libpng lua openssl@3 pyt...@3.10 virtualenv
>>> cbc gh jpeg-turbo libpthread-stubs lz4 opus pyt...@3.11 webp
>>> cddlib ghostscript jpeg-xl libraw lzo osi pyt...@3.12 x264
>>> cgl giflib lame librist m4 p11-kit qhull x265
>>> cjson git leptonica librsvg maxima pandoc qt xmlto
>>> clp glib libarchive libsamplerate mbedtls pango r xorgproto
>>> cmake glpk libass libsndfile md4c pari rav1e xvid
>>> cmocka gmp libassuan libsodium meson pari-elldata readline xz
>>> coinutils gnu-getopt libatomic_ops libsoxr metis pari-galdata rlwrap z3
>>> curl gnupg libavif libssh mongo-c-driver pari-galpol rtmpdump zeromq
>>> dav1d gnuplot libb2 libssh2 mpdecimal pari-seadata rubberband zimg
>>> dbus gnutls libbluray libtasn1 mpfi patchelf sbcl zlib
>>> docbook gpatch libcerf libtiff mpfr pcre sdl2 zstd
>>> docbook-xsl gpgme libde265 libtool mpg123 pcre2 shared-mime-info
>>> double-conversion graphite2 libevent libunibreak nauty pdf2svg singular
>>> ecl graphviz libffi libunistring ncurses perl six
>>> I've also run source .homebrew-build-env within my SAGE_ROOT.  The log 
>>> file for gmp is attached.  
>>> FWIW, this is a University owned machine and they've spewed all sorts of 
>>> problem-creating garbage on the machine which may be causing some hurdles. 
>>>  For example, I was able to get this same build to work effortlessly on my 
>>> personal M1 MBP.  
>>> Any ideas?
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