Playing around with this a little more, I think that this is a bug/timing 
issue in (or in, or a mac oddity since it 
only started happening recently). 

What seems to be happening is that the generated PDF file, output_file, is 
being deleted before the viewer is able to open it. Specifically, if I add 
time.sleep(2) before the tmp.cleanup  then the viewer opens as expected.

    def run_viewer():
        run([viewer, output_file], capture_output=True)
        time.sleep(1)    ## adding this, together with import time, fixes 
the problem

(This around line 1957 of Certainly this explains my experience 
of the command working sometimes and failing at other times. On the other 
hand, it is a little strange because is supposed to wait for 
the process to finish. A shorter example that exhibits the problem, at 
least on the two macs that I have available, is

    sage: view(crystals.LSPaths( 
RootSystem(['A',4]).weight_space().basis()[1] ) )

If people agree that this is a bug then I am happy to post a fix.


On Monday 11 December 2023 at 4:35:59 pm UTC+11 Andrew wrote:

> I am trying to view crystal graphs from inside sage, and I am going a 
> little nuts. Sometimes view(...) works as I expect but most of the time it 
> doesn't, and I see the error message:
> The document “sage.pdf” could not be opened. The file doesn’t exist.
> (my emphasis). I compiled sage from source and I am running:
> SageMath version 10.3.beta1
> Release Date: 2023-12-10         
> Using Python 3.11.6.
> on a 2022 macbook pro (M1 max), running Sonoma 14.1.2. I installed dot2tex 
> using:
>     sage -i dot2tex, which 
> which installed without errors. Running
>     sage: from sage.graphs.graph_latex import check_tkz_graph
>     sage: check_tkz_graph() 
> does not report any problems with my set up.
> I get the error message above using the the sage commands:
> sage: L=RootSystem(['A',4]).weight_space().basis()
> sage: G=crystals.LSPaths(['A',4], L[1])
> sage: G
> The crystal of LS paths of type ['A', 4] and weight Lambda[2]
> sage: view(G)
> I get the same error if I try the examples from the "Classical crystals" 
> thematic tutorial, 
> <>
> such as:
> sage: B = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
> sage: view(B, tightpage=True) 
> When it does work, a nice tikz generated pdf file pops up. Am I missing 
> some steps? Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Andrew

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