
Thanks for your patience and sorry for my ignorance.


On Sun, 29 Oct 2023 at 21:31, Nils Bruin <> wrote:

> On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 00:26:55 UTC+13 G. M.-S. wrote:
> If I understand you correctly, SageMath is a bit loose at the moment about
> its categories.
> That's not what I meant also not what is indicated by what I noticed: by
> the looks of it, sage does know about euclidean domains and has quite a bit
> of ED-specific functionality. It's just that no-one has bothered
> specializing the *ideals* of euclidean domains. The definition of a
> Euclidean domain doesn't really mention ideals and indeed the subsequent
> properties of its ideals are established by lemmas and propositions.
> Basically, no-one has bothered making sagemath aware of those theorems (or
> even put the infrastructure in place to teach it about those results). So,
> no evidence of looseness in its categories. Just a little uneducated.

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