sage: var("a, b, c")
(a, b, c)
sage: foo=(a-b)*(b-c) ; foo
(a - b)*(b - c)

Note that :

sage: foo.expand()
a*b - b^2 - a*c + b*c

>From `foo.list?` :

   Return the coefficients of this symbolic expression as a polynomial
   in x.


   * "x" -- optional variable.


   A list of expressions where the "n"-th element is the coefficient
   of "x^n" when self is seen as polynomial in "x".

Therefore :

sage: foo.list()
[-b^2 + b*c, b - c]

Is indeed the list of foo's coefficients of powers of `a`.

What you seek is :

sage: foo.operands()
[a - b, b - c]

Le lundi 23 octobre 2023 à 18:23:32 UTC+2, Rolandb a écrit :

> Hi,
> I am surprised by  the output (9.8 and 10.1 Ubuntu):
> var('A,B,C') factor((A-B)*(B-C)).list()
> var('A,B,C') factor((A-B)*(B-C)).list()
>     var('A,B,C')
>     factor((A-B)*(B-C)).list()
>     [-B^2 + B*C, B - C]
> I expected [B - A, B - C]. Any explanation?
> Kind regards,
> Roland

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