Did you make a link to your compiled version ?

I compiled sage in sage (which us the base dir) after I sudo ln -s /sage /usr/bin/sage then you get sage wide
I installed the ubuntu version which is working fine : sudo apt install 
sagemath* jupyter* to get all libs working
hope that can help



Le 14/08/2023 à 10:32, 'Michel VAN DEN BERGH' via sage-support a écrit :
I was unable to get the distro sage to work. I compiled sage from source and this solved the problem. Sad though since I would have preferred to use the distro version.
On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 6:55:16 PM UTC+2 Jan Groenewald wrote:


    Does this happen with a user other than your own? Even root will
    do for a quick test.
    Perhaps pip installed packages or other repositories are
    conflicting. Also try
    LC_ALL=C sage


    On Sun, 13 Aug 2023 at 18:14, 'Michel VAN DEN BERGH' via
    sage-support <sage-s...@googlegroups.com> wrote:


        Today I installed sage on Ubuntu 22.04 using

        apt install sagemath

        Sadly after typing 'sage' the program crashes. The crash seems
        to be related to Cython. I am attaching the crash report.

        What are my options?

        Best regards,

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