Interestingly enough, I have another computer, also running Debian Sid, but a much older installation, in which Sage-10.0 *does* work in Jupyter lab. In this one, when I look at os.eviron, I also do not have LD_LIRBRARY_PATH...
On Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 1:54:06 PM UTC-4 Luis Finotti wrote: > On Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 12:46:33 PM UTC-4 Nils Bruin wrote: > > > I don't think jupyter cares about givaro. However, it sounds like your > jupyter sets up some things about the library search path (perhaps an > LD_LIBRARY_PATH)? that gets inherited by the sage process that gets > subsequently run to start the kernel. The sage script normally seems to set > search paths in such a way that it picks the right libgivaro, but when run > in the environment created by jupyter apparently it doesn't any more. > > That sounds like a bit of a bug to me. You've found a work-around by > making sure the only givaro on your system is the one sage built. But > really, the way sage sets up its environment shouldn't be derailed by what > another jupyter install does prior to it. > > The first candidate for causing this is a value for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so if > you could look check > > "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ > > in both your command-line sage and in sage through jupyterlab then you'd > know if there's a difference. Generally comparing the contents of > os.environ between the two may give you some insight in what might be > causing the difference in behaviour. > > The whole point of python's "venv" is that you CAN run different programs > with conflicting library requirements easily. So you could help if you can > pinpoint what is going wrong here -- perhaps it's a misconfiguration on > your system but it could also be a bug/oversight in how python's venvs are > managed. > > > Thanks again for your reply. > > In the sage shell, I have no LD_LIBRARY_PATH in os.environ. I get only > (with PATH in the key): > > PKG_CONFIG_PATH > QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH > INFOPATH > LIBRARY_PATH > SAGE_ORIG_PATH_SET > PATH > SAGE_ORIG_PATH > CPATH > > Under Jupyter, with givaro removed, I get: > > PKG_CONFIG_PATH > QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH > INFOPATH > LIBRARY_PATH > SAGE_ORIG_PATH_SET > LD_LIBRARY_PATH > PATH > SAGE_ORIG_PATH > CPATH > > and LD_LIBRARY_PATH is '/home/finotti/src/sage-10.0/local/lib' > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit