On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 08:21:39 UTC-7 G. M.-S. wrote:

Related to a recent discussion, is there a (simple) way to find whether an 
expression contains non exact explicit numbers?

For symbolic expression you should probably walk the entire expression tree.

For sage objects, examining the parents involved should do the trick:

sage: QQ.is_exact()
sage: RR.is_exact()

However, be careful:

sage: A=matrix(RR,2,2,[1,2,3,4])
sage: parent(A).is_exact()

because matrix rings presently aren't aware of inexactness of their base 
rings. So you should walk the construction of a parent and see if there are 
any inexact constituents:

sage: parent(A).construction()
(MatrixFunctor, Real Field with 53 bits of precision)


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