Attempting to calculate the centralizer of a particular element of the 
braid group on 5 strands causes a segmentation fault.

sage: BG = BraidGroup(5); BG
Braid group on 5 strands

sage: b = BG([3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2]); b

sage: b.left_normal_form()
(1, s2*s3*s2, s2*s1*s0*s3*s2*s1*s0)

sage: b.ultra_summit_set()

sage: b.is_pseudoanosov()

sage: b.centralizer()
SignalError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [7], line 1
----> 1 b.centralizer()
File /ext/sage/9.8/src/sage/groups/, in Braid.centralizer(self)
   1534 def centralizer(self):
   1535     """
   1536     Return a list of generators of the centralizer of the braid.
   1545     """
-> 1546     l = centralizer(self)
   1547     B = self.parent()
   1548     return [B._element_from_libbraiding(b) for b in l]
File /ext/sage/9.8/src/sage/libs/braiding.pyx:233, in 
    231         return [[[0], [i+1, nstrands - i -1]] for i in 
range(nstrands//2-1)] + [[[0], [nstrands//2]]]
    232 l = braid.Tietze()
--> 233 sig_on()
    234 cdef list[list[list[int]]] rop = CentralizerGenerators(nstrands, l)
    235 sig_off()
SignalError: Segmentation fault

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