On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 9:32 PM G. M.-S. <lists....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to evaluate a string in the current scope?
> So that
> sage: expression
> and
> sage: some_evaluate(str(expression))
> give the same thing at the same place.
> I know about sage_eval, but it seems to need a dictionary of everything in 
> the local scope.
> For instance,
> sage: a=3
> sage: a^2
> 9
> sage: some_evaluate('a^2')
> 9
> instead of
> sage: a=3
> sage: sage_eval('a^2')
> NameError: name 'a' is not defined
> (of course this is a trivial example).

there is a plain eval():

sage: a=2
sage: eval("a^2")
sage: eval("a+a")
sage: eval("a**2")

(it looks like it doesn't do preparsing, but is the "normal" Python,
but it's a minor issue IMHO)

> Guillermo
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