On Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 2:49:39 AM UTC+8 John H Palmieri wrote:

In lengthy code, you could start with a line like

OnSets = libgap.OnSets

and then in the rest of the code, you could do `g.Stabilizer([1,2], 
OnSets)`. That is, predefine whatever you want from libgap, giving each 
item a meaningful name, and then use that name in the rest of the code.

Thanks for this tip. It does the trick:

werner@X10DAi:~$ sage 
│ SageMath version 10.0.beta3, Release Date: 2023-03-02              │
│ Using Python 3.10.7. Type "help()" for help.                       │
┃ Warning: this is a prerelease version, and it may be unstable.     ┃
sage: g = libgap.SymmetricGroup(4)
sage: OnSets = libgap.OnSets
sage: g.Stabilizer([1,2], OnSets)
Group([ (3,4), (1,2) ])

On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 10:08:02 AM UTC-7 Hongyi Zhao wrote:

On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 1:38:47 AM UTC+8 Dima Pasechnik wrote:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 18:25 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support, <
sage-s...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

When working with finite permutation groups, it seems to me that one has 
the choice to either use the groups as sage objects like 
`SymmetricGroup(4)`, or as a Gap object via `libgap.SymmetricGroup(4)`. The 
former has rather limited functionality (and quite a few bugs as reported 
earlier), so the advise was to use the latter concept.

So after setting `g = libgap.SymmetricGroup(4)`, things like 
`g.Stabilizer(1)` work as expected. However, I have difficulties to figure 
out how for instance the equivalent of the Gap code `Stabilizer(g, [1,2], 
OnSets)` would look like. Something like `g. Stabilizer([1, 2], 'OnSets')` 
raises a GapError.

it is

g. Stabilizer([1, 2], libgap.OnSets)

In lengthy code, calling too many keywords such as "libgap" is not elegant 
in my opinion.


(which makes sense, as in GAP you also don't pass a string to Stabilizer, 
but you pass a GAP action)

Are these things documented somewhere? I couldn't find anything.

all we have is 
(and source code, eg in src/sage/graphs/)

 - pull requests welcome 😁


-- Peter Mueller

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