> I'm not sure that's quite enough. In my experience, sagelib needs
rebuilding to interface with normaliz (I think it's "make normaliz
pynormaliz" nowadays, or perhaps one needs a pip install). I would expect
that the binary distribution of sage for conda is built without
normaliz/pynormaliz support, because those are optional packages.
Installing these as prerequisites in conda wouldn't automatically activate
the interfaces in sagemath. Does conda do something to get that to work?
Has sagemath grown better at dynamically detecting libraries to interface

pynormaliz interface is indeed dynamically detected by sage. You just have
to install pynormaliz.

There are a few optional libraries that are not dynamically detected and
need to be present at build time.
See https://github.com/sagemath/sage/blob/master/src/setup.py#L82-L83
Out of those, conda builds sage with bliss and sirocco, but they are not
installed by default when you
install sage. You need to install bliss and sirocco to get that


On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 8:35 PM Nils Bruin <nbr...@sfu.ca> wrote:

> On Monday, 27 March 2023 at 17:47:54 UTC-7 Isuru Fernando wrote:
> We used to have separate architecture specific builds, but `sage` is now a
> meta-package that is architecture neutral (i.e. noarch).
> So, you get sage-9.8 for all architectures. We support sage-9.8 for the
> following OS and architecture combinations
> - linux-x86_64  (glibc>=2.12, most distros after 2010)
> - linux-aarch64  (glibc>=2.17, most distros after 2014)
> - macos-x86_64  (macos>=10.9)
> - macos-arm64  (macos>=11.0)
> You can have a look at https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/sagelib to see
> the architecture-specific builds.
> Thanks! I was hoping for an answer like that.Then it sounds like conda is
> presently the best option to get up to date binary sage.
> > Also: if students want to use packages like normaliz, can they install
> those on binary installs? When I do it on source-built versions, it
> triggers extensive recompilation.
> With conda, you can install binary packages for normaliz and thousands of
> other packages into the same environment as sage.
> I'm not sure that's quite enough. In my experience, sagelib needs
> rebuilding to interface with normaliz (I think it's "make normaliz
> pynormaliz" nowadays, or perhaps one needs a pip install). I would expect
> that the binary distribution of sage for conda is built without
> normaliz/pynormaliz support, because those are optional packages.
> Installing these as prerequisites in conda wouldn't automatically activate
> the interfaces in sagemath. Does conda do something to get that to work?
> Has sagemath grown better at dynamically detecting libraries to interface
> with?
> --
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