On Sunday, 4 September 2022 at 10:31:42 UTC-7 george...@gmail.com wrote:

> All,
> I am about to submit a math paper to a journal. I would like to include a 
> proper citation for Sage. The Sage web page says:
> "Also, be sure to find out which components of SageMath, e.g. NumPy, PARI, 
> GAP, Sage-Combinat, that your calculation uses and properly attribute those 
> systems."
> My question is: which component am I using?
> I am doing the following:
> x, y, z = var('x, y, z')
> factor(x^6+y^6)
> factor(x^6-y^6)
> expand((3*x^2+y^2)*(x^2+3*y^2))

That kind of use generally attracts a "using a computational algebra 
system" since it's such a routine operation. In fact, people wouldn't blink 
at no explanation at all or a comment about "manual computation".

Otherwise, on https://wiki.sagemath.org/Publications_using_SageMath

it lists the following code to figure out what components you use 

sage: from sage.misc.citation import get_systems
sage: get_systems("integrate(cos(x^2), x)")
['MPFI', 'ginac', 'GMP', 'Maxima']

If you don't have it enabled already, it will give you a warning that 
cython profiling must be enabled to get reliable result. Indeed, in your 
case it would only report "ginac" (really the form "pynac" that sagemath 
uses for its symbolics) as well as "Maxima".
Note that this tool may identify externally developed software that is used 
in sage, but it doesn't look at which parts of the sage library are used. 
There are several state-of-the-art implementations made fully in the 
sagemath library of very specialist algorithms. It makes sense to look at 
authorship of some of the top-level routines you use to see if there are 
papers you can find that describe the implementation (the documentation 
does have literature references) and then refer to those papers, since in a 
sense you are using their result.

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