Nins and me got *different* random matrices : his was composed of integers 
in (-2..2), and Sage could compute its eigenspaces ; mine was :

sage: with seed(0): M = matrix(AA, 3, 3, lambda u,v: AA.random_element())
sage: M.apply_map(lambda u:u.radical_expression())
[       -sqrt(2) - 1                -1/4          -2*sqrt(3)]
[                1/2  1/8*sqrt(33) + 1/8 -1/5*sqrt(29) + 3/5]
[                  0                 1/4                 1/2]

which, BTW, shows a problem about the reproducibility of random elements 
between Sage versions and/or platforms…

Could you post *your* random matrix ? And could you try :

M.95 = matrix(AA,3,3,[-sqrt(2) - 1, -1/4, -2*sqrt(3), 1/2, 1/8*sqrt(33) + 1/8, 
-1/5*sqrt(29) + 3/5, 0, 1/4, 1/2])
ES = M95.eigenspaces_left()

and report if you get a result ?
Le dimanche 6 février 2022 à 17:35:20 UTC+1, a 
écrit :

> No, it works with the 9.4 kernel but not with the 9.5 beta.

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