Hi there!

I've upgraded to Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa (kernel 5.4.0-77-generic), and then I've build Sage 9.3 from source.

Now the issue is solved. Thanks for this amazing software!

I downloaded sources tarball for sage 9.3 via torrent. Then, before proceeding, I studied README.md and source.rst from the tarball ( sage-9.3/README.md and sage-9.3/src/doc/en/installation/source.rst)

I installed all the required and recommended packages for Linux Mint (Debian, Ubuntu) pointed at source.rst (link to debian.txt was broken at README.md) I took the advice to set export MAKE='make -j2' as I have two cores.

   [dochtml] Done building the documentation!
   make --no-print-directory 'SAGE_ROOT/local/etc/sage-started.txt'

   Testing that Sage starts...
   [2021-06-30 21:50:55] SageMath version 9.3, Release Date: 2021-05-09
   Yes, Sage starts.
   make[2]: Leaving directory 'SAGE_ROOT/build/make'

   real    223m53,530s  == 3 hours 40 minutes!!
   user    459m24,031s
   sys    17m32,635s
   Sage build/upgrade complete!

And then I ran parallel testing:

   sage -t --long --random-seed=0 src/sage/tests/parigp.py
        [13 tests, 1166.50 s]
   All tests passed!
   Total time for all tests: 12934.5 seconds  == 3 hours 35 minutes!!
        cpu time: 39406.1 seconds
        cumulative wall time: 47546.7 seconds

So, happy! ^_^

Thank you again!


On 2021/06/17 22:31, share the sage wrote:
Hi there!

First, I want to share my appreciation and joy for this software Sage, that I really love. Thank you all the developers that continue growing SageMath everyday. Thank you.

Today, I've upgraded to 9.3. I've been using 9.0 until yesterday.

I've downloaded the binaries for my Linux Mint 18.3, that is, for Ubuntu 16.04.

Both versions of Sage, were downloaded via torrent, sage-9.0-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64.tar.bz2 and sage-9.3-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64.tar.bz2

But this operation that worked on the notebook yesterday with Sage 9.0 gives me this error today with Sage 9.3:

m=matrix(QQ,[0, 0, 2, 1])

SageMath version 9.3, Release Date: 2021-05-09
[0 0 2 1]
Vector space of degree 4 and dimension 1 over Rational Field
Basis matrix:
[ 0 0 1 1/2]
*-> 3882sig_on() *
3883 dim = nullspaceMP(self._nrows, self._ncols, m, &mp_N)
3884 sig_off()

SignalError: Illegal instruction

I've attached a notebook and html export with the full traceback.

This code works fine on SageCell (permalink here <https://sagecell.sagemath.org/?z=eJwrKMrMK9EoSy0qzszP09DU5OXKtc1NLCnKrNAIDNSJNtBRACIjHQXDWKBUAVhxLkhRfFGxba5eUX55fHFBYnKqBkIWKAPkpAEFS-Kr4gtySovjkxKLM8HKM9MzSuKzU4vyUnM0NPXAwhpYFQMAUXYybA==&lang=sage&interacts=eJyLjgUAARUAuQ==>)

So, I would like to know how to fix this issue and make it work again, without rolling back to  previous version of Sage.

Looking forward for your answers.
Thanks in advance,


PS: Some specs from my system (parsed from inxi -z and hostnamectl):

        SageMath: version 9.3, Release Date: 2021-05-09
Operating System: Linux Mint 18.3
          Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-190-generic
    Architecture: x86-64
             CPU: Dual core Intel Core i3-3217U (-HT-MCP-)
       Max speed: 1800 MHz
          Memory: 7875.4MB

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