Asking for a friend ... or rather linux-challenged students: What's the most convenient and workable way of running sage on Win10 if you want to do a moderate amount of sage development as well (so, things like `sage -b` or `make build` should probably work, as should `git track push` etc.) ?
I tried the WSL route and was for the most part pleasantly surprised with how well it worked: - activating wsl worked as advertised; required a reboot, though. - getting ubuntu in the "microsoft store" felt oxymoronic, but worked fine - sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade got me a functional system (restarted for good measure) - sudo apt install <recommended packages in sage install documentation> worked fine - git clone .... got me the sage source tree - make configured the mirrors and downloaded a bunch of required spkgs, and then complained about configure - running ./configure worked well - export MAKE="make -j8"; make took a long while, but produced a working sage However, it is rather slow! Starting up may be slow due to the underlying file system; however, I tested some CPU-bound computations as well and I found a factor 8 difference in performance! Win 10: Surface Pro 7; Intel Core i5-1035G4 Linux: Dell XPS 13 Intel Core i5-8250U Given that the Surface Pro is newer, I'd assume these processors are comparable. So it would seem Win10 is doing something to significantly hobble the performance of the Linux virtual machine. It's nice that the WSL route is entirely based on "officially supported" solutions and that you end up running code in a genuine linux environment; the best supported environment for many of the sage components. However, the performance penalty makes me hesitate to recommend it to other people. Would Cygwin be better? Other solutions? I can offer my students remote access to a linux server to do their development on, but that requires the navigation of multiple hurdles too, so I'd imagine they'd be happier and possibly more productive if they can do it all on their local machine. Best, Nils -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit