Dear support team,

I am struggling in launching SAGE on mac BigSur. I have reinstalled 
homebrew and python3 and also opensll. I did the sage -f python3 and still 
had errors. I am not at home with all these manipulations and tried what I 
found on forums but could not go any further. Please find below my log.

Thanks much for your support.


The Jupyter notebook requires ssl, even if you do not use
https. Install the openssl development packages in your system and
then rebuild Python (sage -f python3).

/Applications/ line 
No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
532: exec: 
cannot execute: No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
532: exec: 
cannot execute: No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
532: exec: 
cannot execute: No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
532: exec: 
cannot execute: No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 
532: exec: 
cannot execute: No such file or directory

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