> What you intend to do isn’t really clear… Could you try and clear your 
> goals ?

Thanks so much for your help.  I'm trying to show that the wave equation 
is invariant under a certain coordinate transformation called the Lorentz 
transformation (special relativity).

I represent the function that obeys the wave equation in the primed 
coordinate system by f(xp, yp, zp, tp).

I also represent the primed coordinates by the coordinates in the unprimed 
coordinate system.
Therefore,   f(xp, yp, zp, tp) =  f(xp(x, y, z, t), yp(x, y, z, t), zp(x, 
y, z, t), tp(x, y, z, t)).

I then find a bunch of derivates of f(xp(x, y, z, t), yp(x, y, z, t), zp(x, 
y, z, t), tp(x, y, z, t)) and try to collect terms.

All the coordinates should be real numbers.

Does that explain everything?


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