On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 11:26 AM Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > It is of course impossible to build or install anything with this
> > binary.  Why do we not ship openssl as part of the binary (the license
> > issues got resolved a few years ago)?
> It's not resolved yet.

But openssl is licensed apache2.  Is the problem that only new
versions of openssl are so licensed, and they don't work well enough
yet?  Just curious...

> > Dima adds:
> > > You might try building the latest beta in Homebrew installed into the 
> > > Intel emulator. We are very curious to know how far one can go this way.
> >
> > I tried this and I can report that, for me at least, this was a
> > complete disaster.  Though I could install homebrew, I tried many
> > times in various ways, and couldn't really get *anything* in Sage to
> > successfully compile, though ./configure worked.
> a common catch with Homebrew is forgetting to run
> source .homebrew-build-env
> before ./configure

Thanks.  I did see that and it didn't help (and I just double
checked).  So I'm pretty stumped regarding this approach.

(Windows 10 aside:)

To add to my notes above, I mentioned that I also have a powerful new
Dell Windows 10 laptop with a 10th gen
Intel processor and Sage installed via Docker.  I just built sage
9.3.beta4 on that machine entirely under WSL2 (+Ubuntu), i.e.,
"Windows Subsystem for Linux 2".  The timings are much better than
with Docker desktop:

sage: %time d = random_matrix(QQ,1000)**2  # 516ms on WSL2
CPU times: user 544 ms, sys: 40 ms, total: 584 ms
sage: %time ModularSymbols(5077,sign=1).decomposition() # 11.3s on WSL2
CPU times: user 14.3 s, sys: 170 ms, total: 14.4 s
sage: %time sum(range(10^8)) # 953ms on WSL2
CPU times: user 1.85 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.85 s

Morever, WSL2 is very "integrated with Windows", with full filesystem
access, and super fast startup time.     Also "./sage -notebook" just
worked with zero issues.  So WSL2 is really, really good.  It's
currently difficult to install on Windows 10, but I think it'll be
much easier sometime in the next year.  One nice thing is that it
works fine on "Windows 10 home" -- you don't know pro anymore...

William (http://wstein.org)

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