
On Thursday, 20 August 2020 at 02:35:15 UTC+10 Nils Bruin wrote:

> On Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 5:24:48 AM UTC-7, Paul Leopardi wrote:
>> See also 
>> and
>> On Wednesday, 19 August 2020 at 22:17:40 UTC+10 Paul Leopardi wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am currently trying to convert my Boolean-Cayley-graphs project from 
>>> Python 2 to Python 3 Sage. 
>>> I have succeeded in converting the code, but am having a tough time 
>>> trying to load objects that were saved by my previous Python 2-based code. 
>>> These objects contain matrices as members.What do I need to do to be able 
>>> to load these objects?
>>> As far as I can tell, load(...,encoding='latin-1') doesn't work with a 
>>> dict containing a matrix but load(...,encoding='bytes') does. See the 
>>> attachment.
>>> Thanks!
> Yes, we know how to fix it and it's not complicated: if "bytes" is 
> expected in a pickle and a "str" is found, we should assume it represents 
> the bytes-object via latin-1. It's come up in matrices elsewhere and we 
> should just make this change. We've already determined that 
> "encoding='bytes'" is a lot harder to get to work.
> Please open a ticket. Fixing this should save a LOT of pickles.

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