On Monday, July 27, 2020 at 2:36:32 PM UTC-4, Bert Henry wrote:
> I declared some variables with assume
> e. g. 
> assume(r, 'real')
> assume(k, 'integer')
> assume(j >0)
> and so on.
> During my calculation I need (in one step) j=15
> How can I delete the number 15 for j? I tried it with assume(r>0), but it 
> didn't work.
I am taking the simplest form of your question, I think.  First, removing 

sage: var('j')


sage: assume(j>*0*)

sage: bool(j>*0*)


sage: forget(j>*0*)

sage: bool(j>*0*)


Note that the last line just means sage can't prove j>0, not that it can 
prove it is false that j>0.  Then:

sage: j = *15*

sage: j


sage: bool(j>*0*)


sage: reset('j')

sage: bool(j>*0*)


NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-17-d5dcd1fd41c6> in <module>()

----> 1 bool(j>Integer(0))

NameError: name 'j' is not defined 

Here note that j is now completely undefined, since at the beginning "j" 
was not defined.  You may need to define it again.  "restore" does the same 
thing, I believe.  Good luck!

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