I am compiling Sage from source on Linux, on a supercomputer. Libraries and 
headers are in non-standard locations. When the make tries to build pillow, 
it fails with the following relevant part of the log. Note that it 
initially finds zlib.h just fine. However, it seems to fail to tell pillow 
where to take zlib from.

$ grep zlib 
checking bzlib.h usability... yes
checking bzlib.h presence... yes
checking for bzlib.h... yes
Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG zlib...
checking zlib.h usability... yes
checking zlib.h presence... yes
checking for zlib.h... yes
configure: will use system package and not install SPKG zlib
checking whether any of atlas openblas zlib bzip2 is installed as or will 
be installed as SPKG... yes; install cbc as well
checking installing zlib? ... no
checking whether any of gmp mpir zlib is installed as or will be installed 
as SPKG... no
checking for python3 >= 3.7.3, < 3.8 with modules sqlite3, ctypes, math, 
hashlib, crypt, readline, socket, zlib, distutils.core...
checking for python3 >= 3.7.3, < 3.8 with modules sqlite3, ctypes, math, 
hashlib, crypt, readline, socket, zlib, distutils.core... 
zlib-1.2.11.p0:                              using system package; SPKG 
will not be installed
[gap-4.10.2.p1] checking zlib.h usability... yes
[gap-4.10.2.p1] checking zlib.h presence... yes
[gap-4.10.2.p1] checking for zlib.h... yes
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Looking for `zlib` using pkg-config.
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Looking for zlib
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in 
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in 
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in 
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in 
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in /usr/local/include
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in /usr/include
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in 
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] Checking for include file zlib.h in 
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] The headers or library files could not be found for zlib,
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] __main__.RequiredDependencyException: zlib
[pillow-5.3.0.p0] The headers or library files could not be found for zlib,

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