On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 1:02:12 AM UTC-7, Ne reknu wrote:
> Hello. 
> I need a root finder of a real function which work with a initial guess. 
> That can be done by scipy fsolve, but if I try to aply it on a gamma (or 
> Bessel) function in Sage, I recieve following error message:
> NotImplementedError: The Function gamma does not support numpy arrays as 
> arguments
> I have encoutered this before - then the solution was replacing  x[i]  by  
> x.item(i). I am however not skilled enough to do this chenge inside scipy 
> library. Any sugestions?
> Change the function you pass on instead, so that it does follow numpy's 
broadcasting rules: opt.fsolve(numpy.vectorize(Rce),ktip) probably does 
While numpy's broadcasting rules are useful for numpy, they would probably 
not play nice with the other uses of functions in sage, so I don't think 
it's something we can accommodate by default. Users will have to rely on 
numpy's convenient wrapper.

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