I am interested in one aspect.
For "security", MacOS might restrict softwares access to directories.
If someone tries this and find some difference, maybe some more users will 
be helped.

Step 1. Remove the /Applications/SageMath-9.0.app which does not work.
(This test is for such SageMath-9.0.app. If it is working do not remove it 
since the test does not make sense anyway.) The application might be 
shown /Applications/SageMath-9.0 in Finder.

Step 2. In the Terminal window of an administrator's account, use this 
$ cd /Applications/SageMath-9.0.app/Contents/Resources/sage
$ open -a /Applications/SageMath-9.0.app

The first command changes the working directory to SAGE_ROOT.
The second command tells the full pathname to the application and invoke it.

I surfed through the internet and found the error message is from bash.
It tells bash found no current working directory when it is invoked.

If Step 2 is OK, please proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Quit SageMath.app and the browser. Then, double click 

If Step 3 fails, then please proceed to the next step.

Step 4. Try the procedure of Step 2 again.

I will try to find what is going on there on the isolated island Catalina.

2020年3月18日水曜日 0時04分16秒 UTC+9 Steve Emmett:
> I am having maybe a similar issue. Im on MacOS 10.15.3  I've successfully 
> used 8.9 for quite a while.  I downloaded 
> *sage-9.0-OSX_10.15.2-x86_64.app.dmg 
> <http://mirrors.mit.edu/sage/osx/intel/sage-9.0-OSX_10.15.2-x86_64.app.dmg>.*
> I did the install selected SageMath-9.0.app in Applications.
> Safari starts up and overlaid on that screen is the following error 
> message:
> [image: Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 101002 .png]
> The only log entry is:
> shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access 
> parent directories: Operation not permitted.
> Maybe not exactly like your but I would tend to agree that something that 
> was hooked up in pre Sage 9.x is now not there in Sage 9.x
> On Sunday, January 5, 2020 at 2:39:50 PM UTC-5, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>> When I open SageMath-9.0.app under macOS Catallina (10.15.2), I get an 
>> immediate pop-up error window saying, "Jupyter Server failed to start". 
>> The log shows:
>> ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
>> │ SageMath version 9.0, Release Date: 2020-01-01                     │
>> │ Using Python 3.7.3. Type "help()" for help.                        │
>> └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
>> Please wait while the Sage Jupyter Notebook server starts...
>> However, I can get the Jupyter server to start with an indirect method 
>> that was never required in earlier versions of SageMath-x.x.app, namely:
>>    1. In Finder, Show package contents for SageMath-9.0.app.
>>    2. Navigate in Finder to Contents/MacOS.
>>    3. Double-click Sage.
>> That both starts the server and opens the expected client window in 
>> Safari, from which I can open and evaluate cells in an existing notebook or 
>> create a new SageMath 9.0 notebook.
>> So something that used to be "hooked up" between the SageMath-x.x.app and 
>> the command to start the jupyter server has been broken with 9.0.

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