I have defined the input variables in characteristic 2. But when I assign a 
particular value to the input, output gives the result in simple algebra 
not in characteristic 2. Here is my code: 
sage: P.<x0,x1,x2,x3> = GF(2)[]
....: x3=0
....: x2=1
....: x1=0
....: x0=1
....: s1= x0*x2*x3 + x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2 + x2 
....: s0= x0*x1*x3 + x0*x2 + x0*x3 + x1 + 1
....: print s1,s0
3 2

Here I want s1, s0 as 1,0. If I don't assign any value to the input, the 
output will gives value in charateristic 2 like 
sage: P.<x0,x1,x2,x3> = GF(2)[]
....: print x0+x1+x0
Can anyone guide me how to get the output values in characteristic 2 if I 
assign a value to the input? 
Thanks in advance

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