On Wed, Oct 16, 2019, 8:06 AM Iverson, Joseph W [MATH] <j...@iastate.edu>

> Dear GAP forum,
> Does anybody know of a way to efficiently get matrices (say with
> cyclotomic entries) from GAP to MATLAB? For instance, is there a package to
> export matrices as .mat files?

Suggested reply:

One way to do this is to use GAP within SageMath, which has both a GAP
interface and an Octave interface.

> I have been getting by with a jerry-rigged solution where I make GAP print
> a matrix like
> A:=[[1,0],[0,1]];;
> to a file "A.m" containing a single string like
> "A=[1,0;0,1];".
> Then I have MATLAB read the file as a script. That works fine for small
> matrices, but for large ones (or for 3-tensors consisting of lots of
> matrices) it is prohibitively slow, both for GAP to print to the file and
> for MATLAB to interpret the result.
> For a sense of scale, at the moment I would like to export 95040 matrices
> each of size 540x540 to MATLAB, preferably as a 3-tensor so that I can
> easily iterate through the list. (The matrices are the image of a
> representation of M12 having degree 540.)
> Best regards,
> Joey Iverson
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Mathematics
> Iowa State University
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