Am Montag, 17. Juni 2019 14:27:40 UTC+2 schrieb luisfe:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 5:18 AM Peter Luschny <> wrote:
>>> def ib(m, n): return sum(binomial(m*n-1, m*k)*OmegaPolynomial(m,k) for k 
>>> in (0..n-1))
>>> The terms "binomial(m*n-1, m*k)*OmegaPolynomial(m,k)" are of type 
>>> <type 
>>> 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_integer_dense_flint.Polynomial_integer_dense_flint'
>> But shouldn't it return the null polynomial in this case? 
>> And isn't the null polynomial represented by the empty list? 
>> No, because sum has no way to know that you are expecting a polynomial.

How that? Look at the output above. Sage *knows* that the terms of the sum 
are polynomials. So it should return the zero of that ring, which is the 
null polynomial.

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