First of all, A was already defined and i realised later that i dont have 
to define k=0 too, but, unless i am not a experienced programmer, i dont 
think that the problem correlates with my code.

The company where i work uses a specific policy software and for the 
installation of sage i get a exclusive permission.

If i type "sage -ipython" in "SageMath 8.6 Shell":
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-ac73f397e8f1> in <module>()
----> 1 sage -ipython

NameError: name 'sage' is not defined

After that i had to struggle with closing the shell :-D

There is the standart windows defender and as far as i know it makes no 
updates right know.

@E. Madisan Bray, what do you mean? Wich build tools? Could i update them 
without administration rights?

Am Donnerstag, 18. April 2019 11:29:58 UTC+2 schrieb E. Madison Bray:

> On Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 11:09:02 AM UTC+2, E. Madison Bray wrote:
>> On Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 10:57:11 AM UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 7:35 AM Oliver Thiel <> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > More information: 
>>> > sage: k=0 
>>> > ....: for k in range(1,j-1,1): 
>>> > ....:     z=float(A[k][1]) 
>>> > ....:     s=s+z 
>>> > ....:     
>>> print(k)------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > An error occurred during signal handling. 
>>> > This probably occurred because a *compiled* module has a bug 
>>> > in it and is not properly wrapped with sig_on(), sig_off(). 
>>> > Python will now terminate. 
>>> > 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> > this error occurs before i "enter" the command. Do not laugh about my 
>>> simple code, i am real new to sage. :-D 
>>> > 
>>> I assume your A is already defined, right? 
>>> As well, I guess this code seems to mean to compute s as a sum of 
>>> float(A[k][1]) 
>>> but did you set s=0 to begin with? 
>>> (you did set k=0, which makes no sense, as you immediately use k as a 
>>> loop variable) 
>> I don't think that's relevant.  Oliver stated earlier that the problem 
>> happens simply while typing in code, and without even pressing enter (if 
>> I've understood correctly).
>> Oliver, no one here will laugh at your code (I hope! :) and if I 
>> understand the problem it's nothing to do with anything specifically you 
>> wrote anyways. 
>> A couple more questions.  You wrote
>> > i used "Sage Mirror" to download the program and installed it with 
>> adminstration rights
>> When you installed did you select the "Install for all users" or "Install 
>> just for the current user" option?  If the latter, you shouldn't need 
>> Administrator permissions to install, unless this company machine has 
>> additional policies configured restricting your ability to install 
>> arbitrary software.  It shouldn't matter much here but I'm just curious you 
>> say you installed with with Admin rights.
>> Another question: If you run the "SageMath 8.6 Shell" shortcut, and run 
>> the command `sage -ipython` (this starts the IPython prompt without any 
>> Sage-specific code loaded) do you have any problems?  Are you able to enter 
>> and run pure Python code like in your example above?
>> Finally, do you know if there are any active virus scanners like McAffee 
>> or Symantic. Basically anything on this list: 
>>   (note: Windows 
>> Defender is normally not actually a problem, but it might be if it's in the 
>> middle of performing a scan).
> It occurs to me that this *might* be an instance of the (very technical) 
> bug fixed by, and included 
> into Sage 8.7 by
> If so, it's occurring in a context that I didn't previously know about but 
> it's not impossible, especially if there is BLODA involved.  If nothing 
> else it could be masking a different bug.
> I haven't made a Windows release for Sage 8.7 yet, in part because it 
> needs some additional patches that were not included in the main 8.7 
> release tarball.  I'm not happy about that but it can be dealt with by 
> updating the build tools for the Windows release to include additional 
> patches; I just need to do it. 

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