On Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 4:37:49 AM UTC-7, Emmanuel Charpentier 
> But I wont, because I tend to think that, as long as we are insisting on 
> explicit creation of symbolic variables,

An argument that has been used in that context is that in "f(x)=sin(x)" the 
`x` does occur on the LHS of the assignment, so it is part of what is 
"assigned to". Just as in "R.<x>=QQ[]", the assignment does mention `x` 
explicitly on the LHS, so it is an explicit assignment.

>    1. raise an error if the arguments of a symbolic function are not yet 
>    existing in the name space, or
> I expect that would break too much. If you're worried to losing 
information, we could inject something in the code produced by the 
preparser that issues an error or a warning if the assigned-to variable 
names already have a binding that doesn't agree with what they are being 
bound to. 

>    1. 
>    2. automatically create undeclared variables as symbolic variables (as 
>    in Maxima, Mathematica und so weiter...).
> I don't think that follows as a corollary from being "explicit" because 
the variables are mentioned explicitly on the LHS in our current syntax. 
However, if you'd run a full fragment through the python parser, you should 
be able to get a tree back from which you can read off what symbols need to 
take their binding from outside. That's how python decides which variables 
are local, global, or part of a closure. So we'd need a "postparser" for 
that. I would not support that.

I would say the ship has sailed on this one: this is how the preparser was 
designed to define symbolic functions with a concise short-hand syntax that 
would otherwise be a syntax error in python. Breaking that now will affect 
too much code that's already out there; in particular little examples 
people have prepared to use in teaching, where breakage is likely not 
detected (checking pre-prepared materials that worked before is just a 
chore) and is embarrassing in front of a large audience, doing great damage 
to the perception of sage being useful as a classroom tool. 

It's convenient for beginner use of sage, where the objective is to quickly 
do something calculus-like without having to dwell on the peculiarities of 
mathematics software: the WolframAlpha scenario. If you don't like the 
implications of the syntax, don't use it, but call something like

f = (sin(x)).function(x)

instead. That's straight-up valid python syntax with no hidden preparser 
complications. The preparser is not tuned towards serious programming.

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