In the following example  I would like to make Sage realize that  (p,q,r) 
are constants and (a,b) are variables
so in the end everything should be expressed as a polynomial in a,b.   In 
particular b^2 should be rewritten as 1-a^2
(b and a are actually sin and cosine of something)  but b should not be 
rewritten as sqrt(1-a^2).   And, 
in the end the terms should be grouped so we see explicitly the 
coefficients of a,b,1, and a^2.  Of course this
example is simple enough to do by hand,  but I want to know how to control 
Sage enough to get this to happen in Sage.
I tried various simplification functions.    I suppose I could start over, 
 not using "symbolic expressions" but 
declaring K to be a suitable field or ring, maybe a quadratic extension of 
the field of rational functions in a. 
That is probably the "right" way to do it.   But I wish there were a 
simpler way.   I'm writing a paper with 
little snippets of Sage code with which the reader, who will be a 
mathematician probably unfamiliar with SageMath,
can check the computations, or see how the computations can be checked.
  So the code should be readable to such a person,  ruling out the 
of new fields.    The code below is perfectly readable in that sense,  but 
it doesn't quite do the job.

def mar11b():
b = sqrt(1-a^2)
lam = p*a + r*b + q
mu = r*a - p*b
lam = sqrt(N/2)
eq = lam^2 - (p*a+r*b+q)^2
eq = eq.expand()

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