On 2018-12-05 11:07, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>> For integrating a polynomial over a polyhedron LattE is used but if the
>>>> dimension is not full, then it is not implemented, see
>>>>      sage: x, y = polygens(QQ, 'x, y')
>>>>      sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[[0,0],[1,1]])
>>>>      sage: P.integrate(x*y)    # optional - latte_int
>>>>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>      ...
>>>>      NotImplementedError: The polytope must be full-dimensional.
>>>> [...]
>>> you need an orthonormal transformation, thus potentially square roots,
>>> if you just want to move over to
>>> P.affine_hull() and integrate there.
>> [...]
> I suppose that in fact everything needed is actually available in Sage
> already, just not connected together. Indeed,
> (A,b)=P.affine_hull(as_affine_map=True, orthogonal=True)
> gives the rational change of coordinates,
> and so all you need is to use (A,b) to construct a ring homomorphism from
> R[x,y] to R[t], apply it to the integrand, integrate the result over
> P.affine_hull(orthogonal=True) # hopefully it would use the same (A,b)
> and scale the result by something like the square root of det(AA^T).

Why is it of importance that the transformation is orthogonal? (or is it
just a technical restriction as otherwise no matrix is returned at the

> I'd actually propose to add an option to P.affine_hull() to give the caller
> both A,b and the resulting polytope.


> And perhaps there is a 1-line way to construct the ring homomorphism, too
> (there should be one like this, anyway).

Would be interesting to know if there is a shortcut for this.

Best, Daniel

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