I just found that libgap is able to compute the double coset
representatives, whereas gap-via-pexpect isn't. So, this might be a way
out, in the sense that I would need to change many lines of code from
gap to libgap, which is not just copy-and-paste, since apparently
gap('foo') corresponds to libgap.eval('foo'), not to libgap('foo').

My preferred solution, however, would be to enable gap-via-pexpect. How?

Best regards,

On 2018-09-29, Simon King <> wrote:
> Hi!
> Let G be the third Conway group, S its Sylow 2-subgroup, and
> N the normaliser of the centre of S in G.
> Gap is able to compute the list of double coset representatives of N in
> G using the command
>     gap> DC := DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(G,N,N);;
>     gap> Length(DC);
>     7
> Actually, if I understand correctly, DC is not a list but an iterator,
> but for a list of size 7 this shouldn't matter so much.
> Anyway. If I do the above computation in the Sage pexpect interface to
> gap, the line
>     DC = G.DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(N,N)
> gives an error:
>     RuntimeError: Gap produced error output
>     Error, reached the pre-set memory limit
>     (change it with the -o command line option)
>        executing
> __SAGE_LAST__:="__SAGE_LAST__";;DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(\$sage1,\$sage8,\$sage8);;
> If I recall correctly, the above worked fine a couple of years ago, when
> I achieved the first computation of the mod-2 cohomology of the third
> Conway group.
> So, what has changed? Is the memory limit for gap-via-pexpect different
> from the memory limit of "sage -gap"? Has that memory limit changed in
> the past years? How can I work around (i.e., set the memory limit of
> gap-via-pexpect to the apparently sufficient memory limit used by "sage
> -gap")?
> Best regards,
> Simon

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