Le 21/08/2018 à 23:22, slelievre a écrit :
Mon 2018-08-20 06:48:11 UTC, HG:
> I would like to use nabla as div or grad operator, in sagemanifolds
> used as levita-civita, how could it be use as them if it's possible ?
Can you give an example of what you would like
to input and what you would like the output to be?
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nabla.E=rho/epsilon (maxwell 's equation)
but in latex
sage_for_undergraduates_color.pdf page 137
I often use symbolic expression to remenber the equation, then I use it
in sage
Another example :
Instead grad I would like nabla (but in sagemanifolds nabla is used as
levita connection) then I dont know yet how to use it ... But I don't
desperate to find it one day :)
The Levi-Civita connection ∇associated with g:
I would like to use it as nabla operator for grad and div
I hope I am clear enaugh (not very easy as I don't know it well)
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