I have a function such as cos(x/y) and values for x and y and want to use 
automatic differentiation (a la wikipedia article 
to find the value and derivatives with respect to x and y. Can this be done 
easily in Sage, preferably using interval arithmetic?

I was hoping for an object that I could use something like this:

sage: A.<dx, dy> = AutomaticDifferentiationField(RDF, 2)
sage: x = 2.0 + dx
sage: y = 3.0 + dy
sage: f = cos(x,y)
sage: f
0.785887260776948 -0.303099142275227 * dx + 0.137415511793275 * dy
sage: f.value()
sage: f.derivatives()
[-0.303099142275227, 0.137415511793275]

And replacing RDF by RIF and setting x = RIF(1.99, 2.01) + dx, y = ... 
would do it over interval arithmetic then.

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