Fri 2018-04-13 10:56:17 UTC, David Joyner:
> PS: About 3 years ago, a related question was posted: 
> For some reason, the method described there is no longer implemented.

Regarding the example in the discussion you point to,
a minor change gets it to work: instead of

    sage: C.cardinality()

you can use

    sage: C.point_set().cardinality()

Illustration below:

Sage version:

    $ sage -v
    SageMath version 8.2.rc1, Release Date: 2018-03-31

Define the finite field F:

    sage: F.<q> = GF(13^2)
    sage: F
    Finite Field in q of size 13^2

The projective plane over F: 

    sage: P2.<x,y,z> = toric_varieties.P2(base_ring=F)
    sage: P2
    2-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 3 affine patches

The curve (as a scheme):

    sage: C = P2.subscheme(x^8 + y^8 + z^8)
    sage: C
    Closed subscheme of 2-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 3 affine 
patches defined by:
      x^8 + y^8 + z^8

Trying to get the cardinality fails for this scheme:

    sage: C.cardinality()
    Traceback (most recent call last)
    AttributeError: 'AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_toric_with_category' object 
has no attribute 'cardinality'

We need to go through the point set:

    sage: P = C.point_set()
    sage: P
    Set of rational points of Closed subscheme of 2-d CPR-Fano toric 
variety covered by 3 affine patches defined by:
      x^8 + y^8 + z^8

Now we can get the cardinality:

    sage: c = P.cardinality()
    sage: c

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