I tried to anwer this question, hinting at makestatic.py (part of SageTeX). 
It turns out that this script is indeed unmaintained and currently not 
working. The bug(s) aren't obvious to me...

I have edited my ask.sagemath.org answer but left it mostly unchanged as a 
hint for people seeking \LaTeX-related work ;-).

Question : is this ticket-worthy ? I didn't find any mention of it in 
existing tickets.

Emmanuel Charpentier

Le mercredi 8 novembre 2017 18:31:28 UTC+1, kcrisman a écrit :
> Dear Deepak,
> Great question!  I'm forwarding it to sage-support where such questions 
> typically are answered.
> On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 12:10:31 PM UTC-5, DEEPAK SARMA wrote:
>> I have written an article in Sagemathcloud using the sagetex package. Now 
>> If I send it to a journal for publication or to any of my friends (who 
>> don't use sage), how can they run it? In a youtube video, I learned that in 
>> addition to the .tex file, I have to send the .sout file generated in SMC. 
>> I tried this method, but It didn't work. May be I'm missing something.
> In this case, it depends partly on what you are including.  So for 
> instance I create figured, so I probably need the whole directory 
> sage-plots-for-filename.tex .  Maybe the .aux file as well? And of course 
> they would still need access to the *style* file .sty in any case, even if 
> Sage doesn't have to run because you provide everything for them.  
> Unfortunately I don't have a system to test this on without sagetex, but 
> hopefully someone else can answer if providing the (correct) style file 
> doesn't suffice.
> - kcrisman

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