On 2017-10-26, david.guichard <david.guich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> integral(sqrt(1+cos(x)^2),x,0,pi)
>     0

The bug appears to be tickled by the Maxima package abs_integrate.
Without abs_integrate, integrate(sqrt(1 + cos(x)^2), x, 0, %pi) just
returns a noun expression.

> Zero is decidedly not correct. The problem is apparently here:
> integral(sqrt(1+cos(x)^2),x)
>      -1/24*sin(3*x) + 1/8*sin(x)

Hmm, for the indefinite integral I get (with abs_integrate)

  (%i4)  integrate(sqrt(1+cos(x)^2),x);
  (%o4) ((2*sin(3*x)+6*sin(x))*false-sin(3*x)+3*sin(x))/24

Obviously the presence of 'false' is a bug.

If you can make a bug report in the Maxima bug tracker, that would very
helpful. https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs

By the way I am working with Maxima 5.40+ (almost 5.41).


Robert Dodier

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