As you prompt sage> sage: is in your home sage : ls -al, can be used as
a shell, then sage knows where it is and if your file a*.sage is in the
path it can load it.
Le 04/09/2017 à 20:09, BDesco a écrit :
load("a*.sage") ? And how would sage know where to find this file?
Op maandag 4 september 2017 04:47:11 UTC+2 schreef HG:
I don't know if I understand well your question but you could load
your file like this :
Run sage and type load("a*.sage") at the sage prompt, but I do
agree with slelièvre use the new sagemath windows installer, it's
really a wonder : Like if you were on a native linux !
Another suggestion, use jupyter notebook with sage you will be
efficient very quickly.
Le 04/09/2017 à 01:39, slelievre a écrit :
Sun 2017-09-03 09:58:08 UTC-5, BDesco:
> I'm a beginner.
> Sage 8.0 in virtualbox on Windows 10.
> I made a *.sage file on desktop Windows 10.
> How do I load it in Sage?
> I could share my desktop with
> I should by able to access it now with /media/sf_<volume name>.
> But... what does <volume name> stand for? Volume name of what? Where? ....
Instead of the virtualbox setup, you could use the new
dedicated SageMath installer for Windows:
One benefit, I think, is precisely that it greatly simplifies
the question of accessing files.
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