On Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 7:21:03 AM UTC-7, chandra chowdhury wrote:
> Is it possible to factor polynomials completely over modular ring? 
> Like 
> x = var('x') 
> factor(x^5-x, IntegerModRing(25)['x'])
> gives
> (x-1)*(x+1)*(x^2+1)*x
The second argument is simply ignored here, by the looks of it

sage: factor(x^5-x,"moo")
(x^2 + 1)*(x + 1)*(x - 1)*x

You could file that as a (mild) bug.

Factorization of Z/25 directly isn't implemented:

sage: R=IntegerModRing(25)
sage: Rx.<x>=R[]
sage: factor(x^5-x)
NotImplementedError: factorization of polynomials over rings with composite 
characteristic is not implemented

Root finding is apparently implemented:

sage: (x^5-x).roots(multiplicities=False)
[0, 1, 7, 18, 24]

Alternatively, (beccause you're working mod a prime power) you could look 
at p-adic rings:

sage: R=Zp(5,2,"fixed-mod",print_mode="terse")
sage: Rx.<x>=R[]
sage: (x^5-x).factor()
((1 + O(5^2))*x + (1 + O(5^2))) * ((1 + O(5^2))*x + (7 + O(5^2))) * ((1 + 
O(5^2))*x + (18 + O(5^2))) * ((1 + O(5^2))*x + (24 + O(5^2))) * ((1 + 
O(5^2))*x + (0 + O(5^2)))

The "+O(5^2)" is a p-adic thing that would be nice to suppress here.

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