Unlike Mathematica, Sage hold on evaluation seems to only be as a parameter 
to Sage functions and not a standalone function. Is it possible to apply a 
hold on a division ?

For example:

u_x = u[0].full_simplify();
u_y = u[1].full_simplify();
u_z = u[2].full_simplify();
u = vector([u_x, u_y, u_z])
Un = u.norm().full_simplify()
Q.<i,j,k> = QuaternionAlgebra(SR, -1, -1)
theta = var('theta', latex_name=r'\theta')
Qr = cos(theta/2) +  sin(theta/2)*(u_x/Un * i + u_y/Un * j + u_z/Un * k) # 
how to hold evaluation on division ?

Is it possible to hold evaluation for u_x/Un etc ?

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