On Thursday, 20 July 2017 04:24:50 UTC-6, Thomas Judson wrote:
> I am pretty sure that this is an R problem that occurs because of linked 
> cells.  Look at 
> http://faculty.sfasu.edu/judsontw/math-s304/section-16.html.  The first 
> plot works fine, but somehow I need to clear the previous graphics when I 
> create a new plot.  I have tried dev.off() and graphics.off(), but neither 
> works.  Any ideas?

OK, thanks a lot for the full example, I think this is the reason:
R-cells have device.off() added automatically so that plotting commands 
that were given by users will all flush to a file that will be 
automatically displayed. Because R has these "live plots" that you can add 
stuff to, dealing with them in SageMathCell is a bit tricky. Not sure what 
is the best solution - perhaps in addition to "closing" commands I should 
add commands to initialize a new plot so that it is ready for the next cell 
if it exists?

> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 12:53:35 AM UTC+2, Andrey Novoseltsev wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 05:23:00 UTC-6, Thomas Judson wrote:
>>> The following code works in CoCalc
>>> cases <- c(36, 531, 4233, 8682, 7164, 2229, 600, 164, 57, 722, 1517, 
>>> 1828, 1539, 2416, 3148, 3465, 1440)
>>> deaths <- c(0, 0, 130, 552, 738, 414, 198, 90, 56, 50, 71, 137, 178, 
>>> 194, 290, 310, 149) 
>>> plot(ts(cases), col="red", main="Influenza Epidemic")
>>> lines(ts(10*deaths),col="blue”)
>>> However, I get the following error when I try to plot this in a Sage cell
>>> Error in plot.new() : cairo error 'error while writing to output stream'
>>> Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : 
>>>   plot.new has not been called yet
>>> I may or may not get the plot.
>>> Other R plots seem to work in the Sage cells.  Any ideas?
>>> Tom
>> I've tried it ten times or so and got the plot with no errors every time. 
>> Can you reproduce it in your setup reliably? I don't have any clue what can 
>> be wrong here that it works sometimes but not always...

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