Well you are dealing with numerically exctreme values here.
Let's look at the factor of (x**2+y**2) inside the lambda:

....: )))
+infinity + NaN*I

Using inexact numerics will not work if you exceed machine limits.
It is even impossible for Sage to compute the value using exact numerics:

....: /(((662607004/100000000*10**(-34))**2)**299792458**2))))
sage/src/sage/rings/rational.pyx in sage.rings.rational.Rational.__pow__ 
   2575             return x
   2576         elif nn > 0:
-> 2577             sig_on()
   2578             mpz_pow_ui(mpq_numref(x.value), 
mpq_numref(_self.value), nn)
   2579             mpz_pow_ui(mpq_denref(x.value), 
mpq_denref(_self.value), nn)

MemoryError: failed to allocate 617894185381562160 bytes

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