What is a sage module? Is that the same as a plugin? I'm getting an error that says the service_identity module is missing. It has some directions for getting rid of the error message but I don't want to mess with it if I don't have to. I maintain a sage installation for approximately 100 machines and I want the installation to be as routine as possible.

Right now, for each installation, I simply do the configure, make, and then "for PLUGIN in `sage -optional | grep not_installed | cut -d' ' -f1`; do sage -i "${PLUGIN}"; done. In other words, I compile sage and then all the plugins. But after doing this for sage 7.6, I started getting the error message reproduced below. If I could make it go away by no installing one of the plugins, I'd probably just do that.

$ sage
│ SageMath version 7.6, Release Date: 2017-03-25                     │
│ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        │
│ Type "help()" for help.                                            │

sage: exit;
Exiting Sage (CPU time 0m0.09s, Wall time 0m4.98s).
:0: UserWarning: You do not have a working installation of the service_identity module: 'No module named service_identity'. Please install it from <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/service_identity> and make sure all of its dependencies are satisfied. Without the service_identity module and a recent enough pyOpenSSL to support it, Twisted can perform only rudimentary TLS client hostname verification. Many valid certificate/hostname mappings may be rejected.

John G. Heim; jh...@math.wisc.edu; sip://jh...@sip.linphone.org

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