On Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 4:43:06 AM UTC+1, Justin C. Walker wrote:
> Hi, all, 
> I just tried to ssh between two of my macOS systems.  They use different 
> versions of macOS (10.6.8, 10.11.6) and of sage (6.10 and 7.6, 
> respectively). 
> When I went from 10.6.8 to the other, and ran sage 7.6, I got flashing 
> bits of the stuff I was typing.  E.g., the "sage: " flashed, and "Fz.<z> = 
> PolynomialRing(F, "z") had the "z" at the end flash. 

something to do with LOCALE/TERM etc settings, perhaps further affected by 
Jupyter (and/or other pagan gods).
I do a lot of work with Sage via ssh (although not on OSX systems), never a 
real problem,
so that's a special OSX weirdness, too.

> Anyone know what's up with that?  It's charming for the first 5 seconds, 
> but it gets old in a hurry (flashing continues, at 1-second intervals), and 
> causes strange flashbacks, about which the less said, ... 
> How do I persuade Sage to knock it off? 
> Thanks! 
> Justin 
> -- 
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large, Director 
> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income 
> -------- 
> The path of least resistance: 
> it's not just for electricity any more. 
> -------- 

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